Browsing: “Wish I’d Written That” by Thomas Burns

If you are a local songwriter, have set your own instruments on fire in the creative process (figuratively or otherwise), and have a song that you think deserves to be in someone’s (or everyone’s) permanent iTunes

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                    Some Songs Set Their Own Standards To describe a song as “cool” is not the same as describing it as “good”.  There are plenty of “good”

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The Shortest Distance From A Point To A Line Ask any songwriter and you will learn that most songs are not written the way they are ultimately performed.  Oftentimes the verses are constructed before the chorus,

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Keeping it Real Song lyrics don’t have to be overly clever to grab my attention.  On the contrary, a song that tries too hard is often simply too much work to listen to.  Taylor Swift, for

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Sometimes It’s All in the Delivery When asked to comment on Jack Kerouac’s On The Road, Truman Capote said “That’s not writing at all.  That’s typing”.  It’s a deliciously nasty and succinctly poetic condemnation of the

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