Recent News 08 Jan 2016



Artist registration for the thirteenth annual Madison Area Music Association Awards is open until 11:59 pm on Friday, January 29th. All music submissions for awards consideration must be submitted by that time.


Youth registrations have a longer submission period and no donation requirement, ending on May 15th.


You can get started with your registration by clicking here.


Registration is also open for the Breakthrough Artist Competition will also close on January 29th.


Finalists will be announced at the annual Finalist Party at the Brink Lounge. This year the Finalist Party will include a 5 pm VIP event that will be precede the announcement party. This is a special cocktail hour with exclusive performances by Madison Malone and the Charlie Paynter Quartet. For more info on the Finalist Announcement Party, look here.


MAMA has also announced the rest of the schedule of events leading up to the awards show at the Capitol Theater in the Overture Center on June 19, 2016:


JANUARY 29th – Registration closes for both Breathrough Artist and MAMA AWards


FEBRUARY 5th – 1st Round voting begins

MARCH 14th – 1st Round Voting ends


MARCH 19th – Breakthrough Artist Contest at Full Compass


April 3rd – Finalist Party at the Brink Lounge


MAY 9th – Final Round Voting Ends

MAY 9th – Deadline for Student/Teacher of the Year Applications

MAY 15th – Youth Registration Ends 

MAY 30th – Student/Teacher of the Year winners announced 

JUNE 19th – 2016 MAMA AWARDS SHOW in the Capitol Theater of the Overture Center


The Madison Area Music Association has several new initiatives which are being rolled out. One is MAMA Cares, a fund that has been established to help musicians with healthcare and other crises.

The nonprofit organization continues to provide funds and musical instruments to youth music programs. For a complete giving history, look here.

In the thirteen-year history of the annual awards show, hundreds of working artists, youth musicians, students, teachers, educators and other prominent players in Madison music have been honored. The number of artists who have performed at the annual awards show surely eclipses a thousand. For a listing of past award winners look here.

For 2016 MAMA will now accept applications for recommendation of the Student and Teacher of the Year awards. A downloadable form will allow anyone to suggest an outstanding student or instructor. The Student of the Year award includes a $250 award while the Teacher of the Year includes a $500 donation from MAMA to the school or facility from which the instruction is given.

Donations can also be made to support the Madison Area Music Association at its website.


← Madison Area Music Association’s Breakthrough Artist Competition Fosters Artistry and Ethics Second Annual Flannel Fest Set for November 7 →

About the author

Rick Tvedt

Rick is publisher of Local Sounds Magazine, formerly Rick's Cafe, Wisconsin's Regional Music Newspaper. He is also the Executive Director for MAMA, Inc., a non-profit organization that produces the Madison Area Music Awards and raises funds to promote youth music programs.

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