Help Support Wisconsin’s Homeless Veterans this Saturday, September 7th

Recent News 03 Sep 2013

Biker GroupIf you’re looking for something worthy to do this weekend, I would highly recommend getting your butt out to Reverend Jim’s Roadhouse and Badger Harley Davidson, both on Millpond Road, this Saturday, September 7th. These venues are home to the first annual “Poker Run for Homeless Veterans”, hosted by the Leathernecks Motorcycle Club.

Luckily, you don’t have to own a motorcycle to come and support this awesome cause. Everyone is invited and encouraged to attend. Heck, even cars are invited to participate in the poker run! Registration for the Poker Run starts at 10:30am at Badger Harley Davidson, with the actual ride leaving there at 12:00 NOON.


Haliwel will perform at the after party

After the run, starting at 4:00pm, there will be an after party at Reverend Jim’s Roadhouse. All motorcycles, cars and vehicles that participate in the poker run are required to return to the after party by 6:00pm. Door prizes, drawings, a bike wash, a bike show, food and music will kick off starting at 5:00pm. The sound track for the evening will be provided by a DJ from 5:00pm until about 10:00pm. At 10:00pm, local band Haliwel will take the stage and rock the rest of the evening.



Leathernecks Motorcycle ClubThe Leathernecks Motorcycle Club is a nationally recognized non-profit organization made up of Marines and FMF Corpsmen. They have a strong passion for helping other military members and veterans. The Wisconsin chapter of the LMC is hosting this event and want to help the homeless veterans in their state as a way to give back to the community and help decrease the number of homeless veterans on the street.

On any given night, there are about 130,000 homeless veterans in America. The number of younger veterans that are homeless are now increasing as well and funding from the government is low. All proceeds from the fundraiser will go to the VA Hospital in Madison who has a department specifically designed to help our homeless veterans.

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About the author

Matt Jacoby

Matt is one of the co-founders behind Local Sounds, a web interface designer, local drummer, supporter of local music, and all around kick ass guy. He occasionally contributes to Local Sounds Magazine.

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